Mobile Medical Diagnostics

Our service works in two ways:

1. On Demand X-ray Service

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | On Demand X-ray Services

How it works?

Our service prevents avoidable hospital transfers by transporting our mobile X-ray machine and our CORU registered radiographer to the client. Our service is an excellent fit for nursing homes, homecare providers and prisons.

Example projects

  • We perform X-rays for nursing home clients on a when needed basis
  • We provide a bespoke in-house radiology department for NH groups
  • We provide X-rays for patients within their own home
  • We can provide X-rays for patients in prisons and other institutions where patient transfer is less amenable

Example clinical pathway - nursing home

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Requests a mobile X-ray

1. Resident’s GP requests a mobile X-ray

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Nursing Home Calls Mobile Medical Diagnostics

2. Nursing home calls Mobile Medical Diagnostics

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Radiographer takes X-ray

3. Radiographer takes X-ray in comfort of the resident’s own room

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Consultant Radiologist Report

4. Consultant radiologist report sent to GP + nursing home typically within 3 hours

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Agreed Treatment Plan

5. Agreed treatment plan is implemented

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Requests a mobile X-ray

1. Resident’s GP requests a mobile X-ray

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Nursing Home Calls Mobile Medical Diagnostics

2. Nursing home calls Mobile Medical Diagnostics

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Radiographer takes X-ray

3. Radiographer takes X-ray in comfort of the resident’s own room

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Consultant Radiologist Report

4. Consultant radiologist report sent to GP + nursing home typically within 3 hours

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services Agreed Treatment Plan

5. Agreed treatment plan is implemented

2. On-site X-ray Department

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Services

How it works?

Instead of having a fixed asset and dedicated team on-site daily, being potentially underutilised, we provide a flexible alternative option. Our service provides an on-site X-ray department including equipment and staff to primary care centres, hospitals and healthcare providers nationwide for a pre-determined period.

Example projects

We provide a flexible option that can be tailored to the needs of our clients, including:

  • Recurring set day(s) per week arrangement in hospitals, primary care or community healthcare facilities
  • Specific set times per month in hospitals, primary care or community healthcare facilities
  • Ad hoc half-day/day requirements in hospitals, primary care or community healthcare facilities
  • Supporting virtual and physical off-site outpatient clinics
  • Supporting medical centres at festivals, music and sports events
NOTE: 7 days a week and out of hours options available

The benefits of our service

MMD - Mobile Medical Diagnostics | Benefits of Our Service
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